Saturday, 12 November 2011
Off raising money for charity for the weekend/ longer by blagging my way as far away from campus as possible. Who knows where I will end up and birds I will see. Very excited!
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Winter wish list.
Birds I would like to catch up with this winter.
1) Whoopers and Bewicks at Welney would be loveeeely
2) A Wash wader spectacular something I still have never done but would love to.
3) Winter Finch ringing. Lets hope for another winter filled with Brambling and Redpoll!
They way things are going I won't be back home to go and do these things til middle of December so a little wait to come. Also need to get down to Portland Bill or Christchurch Harbour to explore the local avifauna soon.
Oh and not forgetting Waxwings. I would definitley like to see another few of them this winter.
1) Whoopers and Bewicks at Welney would be loveeeely
2) A Wash wader spectacular something I still have never done but would love to.
3) Winter Finch ringing. Lets hope for another winter filled with Brambling and Redpoll!
They way things are going I won't be back home to go and do these things til middle of December so a little wait to come. Also need to get down to Portland Bill or Christchurch Harbour to explore the local avifauna soon.
Oh and not forgetting Waxwings. I would definitley like to see another few of them this winter.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Its now heading upto 2 months without ringing and its not a good thing!!! C permit now good and on its way so hopefully soon I'll be all ready to get some garden ringing done at the new house (which I have yet to visit, the family have moved since I've been at Uni but it looks promising!) Can't wait til I get get my hands on some more winter finches! Saying that I would settle for anything even a bitey blue tit.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
A long awaited update!
I am now an Ecology and Wildlife Conservation student at Bournemouth University! I am on the hunt for a local ringing group but rather struggling with the lack of transport currently. Will keep you posted but not much is occuring currently. Went to Brownsea Island on the last day of September and saw 20+ Spoonbill, a nice south coast treat! Sandwich terns and Red squirrels also. Apologys for the lack of interesting news!
Monday, 22 August 2011
Icklesham 1-16th August.
A simply remarkable place! Had the best fun I'd had in ages and the 2 and a bit weeks flew by! Admittedly my sleep pattern is still not right after 4-30am alarm every morning for a few weeks and roosts most evenings, left me rather tired by the end of it all!
Willow warbler
Sedge warbler
Reed warbler
Blue tit
20 birds ringed personally out of 60. Main site catching rather more birds.
Roost produced 3 Swallows and 2 Sand Martins. Been better roosts :P.
Willow warbler
Reed warbler
Sedge warbler
Garden warbler
Blue tit
Lesser whitethroat
46 ringed out of 98. Main site 800+ !
Roost 74 Swallow, 17 Sand Martin. Ringed 11.
Wet and windy 8 birds, main site producing little also. no roost.
Morning total of 430+ for main site, Tree Pipit new species for myself.
49 birds ringed personally, 450 caught at Main Site. Fairly quiet morning
Sedge Warbler
Willow Warlber
Reed Warbler
Garden Warlber
56 birds ringed + 41 at roost. 97 ringed! Wow.
Sand Martin
Lesser White
Garden Warbler
Sedge Warbler
25 of 480+. 31 Sand Martins, 3 Swallows and 3 Yellow Wagtails ringed at Roost. YelWa being a new species. 62 birds ringed.
Garden Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Willow Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat
63 bird ringed. 2 Reed Warblers requiring Walinder check for Marsh Warbler, unfortunatley both Reed Warblers. No Roost due to wind.
11/08 - No ringing due to bad weather. Day out in Hastings.
Reed Warbler
Garden Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Willow Warbler
(One Long Tailed Tit from Main site)
75 birds ringed today, 35 Sand Martins from roost.
My first experience of Wader ringing at Kings North Power Station near Medway was certainly a highlight of my stay, had a great night producing 5 new species for me!
Ringed Plover
Black tailed Godwit
11 birds ringed but what a night!
I was told Monday mornings were good, maybe I should have taken it more seriously :P
House Sparrow
Reed Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat
So thats the common stuff.
Tree Pipit
Redstart (new sp)
Not so common stuff.
Icterine Warbler
Marsh Warbler
Rarity form stuff. Both obviously new species.
WOAH! What a morning! Never did I expect to be able to ring either of those birds in the UK let alone as a T permit. Thanks so much to those who let me have both birds, still smiling a week on!
Did a little bit of ringing on 16th but bailed early to catch my Grandparents for a lift back to sunny Lincs. I can only keep thanking everyone at Icklesham for letting my stay and helping me get a grasp of there systems. Feeling like a very capable ringer right now! Oh and passed the exams and got a place at Bournemouth Uni. Hopefully some more south coast ringing to come!
Willow warbler
Sedge warbler
Reed warbler
Blue tit
20 birds ringed personally out of 60. Main site catching rather more birds.
Roost produced 3 Swallows and 2 Sand Martins. Been better roosts :P.
Willow warbler
Reed warbler
Sedge warbler
Garden warbler
Blue tit
Lesser whitethroat
46 ringed out of 98. Main site 800+ !
Roost 74 Swallow, 17 Sand Martin. Ringed 11.
Wet and windy 8 birds, main site producing little also. no roost.
Morning total of 430+ for main site, Tree Pipit new species for myself.
Roost a lot more productive with 350+ Sand Martin's and 50+ Swallows.
59 at Alder Carr (Other site I mainly rung at) and 1100 at Mainsite with a 400 Roost. Very productive day! Nightingale finally ringed!
07/0849 birds ringed personally, 450 caught at Main Site. Fairly quiet morning
Sedge Warbler
Willow Warlber
Reed Warbler
Garden Warlber
56 birds ringed + 41 at roost. 97 ringed! Wow.
Sand Martin
Lesser White
Garden Warbler
Sedge Warbler
25 of 480+. 31 Sand Martins, 3 Swallows and 3 Yellow Wagtails ringed at Roost. YelWa being a new species. 62 birds ringed.
Garden Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Willow Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat
63 bird ringed. 2 Reed Warblers requiring Walinder check for Marsh Warbler, unfortunatley both Reed Warblers. No Roost due to wind.
11/08 - No ringing due to bad weather. Day out in Hastings.
Reed Warbler
Garden Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Willow Warbler
(One Long Tailed Tit from Main site)
75 birds ringed today, 35 Sand Martins from roost.
My first experience of Wader ringing at Kings North Power Station near Medway was certainly a highlight of my stay, had a great night producing 5 new species for me!
Ringed Plover
Black tailed Godwit
11 birds ringed but what a night!
Something interesting there Hugh? ;-)
I was told Monday mornings were good, maybe I should have taken it more seriously :P
House Sparrow
Reed Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat
So thats the common stuff.
Tree Pipit
Redstart (new sp)
Not so common stuff.
Icterine Warbler
Marsh Warbler
Rarity form stuff. Both obviously new species.
WOAH! What a morning! Never did I expect to be able to ring either of those birds in the UK let alone as a T permit. Thanks so much to those who let me have both birds, still smiling a week on!
An Icky from Icky :P
Not so Reedy as Marshy. Can happily say I extracted this knowing it wasn't a Reed. Win!
Not ringed by myself but what an amazing bird to observe in the hand, a violent bird with a bit of a temper, had some interesting wing moult.Did a little bit of ringing on 16th but bailed early to catch my Grandparents for a lift back to sunny Lincs. I can only keep thanking everyone at Icklesham for letting my stay and helping me get a grasp of there systems. Feeling like a very capable ringer right now! Oh and passed the exams and got a place at Bournemouth Uni. Hopefully some more south coast ringing to come!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Au revoir Bourne!
Back down to Icklesham tomorrow, Will keep a written diary as to update a day by day analysis when I get back. Now to try and use birds as an excuse to ignore impending results day (cries)
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Forgein Controls!
I also bring news of a Chaffinch to Norway and a Brambling to Denmark! Details when I remember to pick them up from the back of Alan's in about 3 weeks :-P
Icklesham 12-18 July.
Once again life has been busy, birding and otherwise, meaning I haven't had a chance to keep this blog updated, so my apologies.
However I don't want to write to much as I am unaware on how strict where I have been ringing is on releasing news. What I can say is that I can now include Oystercatcher and Reed Warbler on my ring list, and have had an opportunity to get my eye in on fat and muscle scores. All good stuff! The place felt very scientific and it loved it! If only the weather had been a little better! Most of my time was spent wandering with the bins during the day (25 miles in 3 days of which I was rather proud of ;-) ). Due to the amount of learning done, I got few photos of actual birds, however I'll put up a couple of scenic landscape shots when I next have a chance.
Also a short trip to Dunsby Sewage Treatment Works (first of the year) earlier this week turned out to be rather unsucessful and ended up in going Owling, not that I am complaining!
Back down south on Monday, and news is good for numbers picking up. Very excited!
However I don't want to write to much as I am unaware on how strict where I have been ringing is on releasing news. What I can say is that I can now include Oystercatcher and Reed Warbler on my ring list, and have had an opportunity to get my eye in on fat and muscle scores. All good stuff! The place felt very scientific and it loved it! If only the weather had been a little better! Most of my time was spent wandering with the bins during the day (25 miles in 3 days of which I was rather proud of ;-) ). Due to the amount of learning done, I got few photos of actual birds, however I'll put up a couple of scenic landscape shots when I next have a chance.
Also a short trip to Dunsby Sewage Treatment Works (first of the year) earlier this week turned out to be rather unsucessful and ended up in going Owling, not that I am complaining!
Back down south on Monday, and news is good for numbers picking up. Very excited!
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Raptor Heaven
So after Buzzard's a few weeks back, my raptor list is pretty impressive for someone only ringing 18 months. Kestrel, Barn, Little and Tawny Owls being regulars it was nice to get Buzzards and Peregrine recently. But now I can add another two species to the list with Red kite and Marsh Harrier, both emmence birds!
And not to forget the my second wader. Little Ringed Plover. Beauties!
Red Kite
Marsh Harrier
And not to forget the my second wader. Little Ringed Plover. Beauties!
Monday, 27 June 2011
Goodbye exams, hello summer!
Not much to update on, over the last 3 weeks I have been full on with exams so managed to sneak out only twice. Once to get Buzzard chicks, (great stuff) and then a full day to escape the revision. Managed to get 50 raptors in one day however. Had this weekend off for general partying and releasing steam but looks like I could have a new bird for tomorrow. Watch this space ;-)
Monday, 6 June 2011
House Martins!
1st June, off to ring Hirundines! We arrived at a gorgeous farm house perfect for House Martins and there were possibly as many as 30 nests. We hastily put the nets up despite the wind being rather strong and the sun beaming down. Got around 12 birds but with 50+ flying around, a possible return visit could be very productive...
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Peregrines 27/05/2011
What a morning! After reaching St Wulframs in Grantham, we took some time to scope the male bird to check for rings. Turns out he isnt ringed. The Female is a known bird ringed as a chick in Lancs.
Mrs Peg
Ever since I was little I've never been particularly good with heights, so climbing the spiral staircase to the roof wasnt a life highlight by any means. However after accending the church the sight of 3 plump chicks was excellent.
Mrs Peg
Ever since I was little I've never been particularly good with heights, so climbing the spiral staircase to the roof wasnt a life highlight by any means. However after accending the church the sight of 3 plump chicks was excellent.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Nightingales, Owls galore and the odd Kestrel too!
After a couple of weeks of silence I shall elaborate on what has been a productive period of time.
30/04- Owl season is is starting to liven up. Little Owls being the main target as these are single brood early nesters.
Nice start to the day, what a beauty!
One of 53 females this year so far.
Personally one of my favourite shots, the 'Owlman' with his owls.
Thats a photo of each of the targetted species for Bob, Alan, I and others in the summer.
12/05 A new 'Ring Tick'.
This one involved boats, an added complication but a good laugh! Little Egret's were the target, very lovely little chicks to ring, an added bonus as I did my first at the same time as Alan did his!
After another earlyish start we went on search of the same Nightingale that had evaded us previous attempt. With prior knowledge the bird was likely to be a retrap of last years individual, my spirits remained undamped as to glance upon the best of british bird songstars in the hand.
A good Whitethroat comparison shot, Common on the left, Lesser to the right. Next came Mr Nightingale, a retrap as I expected, the 100th bird to be ringed by the group since its beginnings.
After the sucessful completition of missing Nightingale we decided to have a run around the Tawny boxes and pick off the few remaining chicks unrung in Bob's boxes. It has been a great year with 60+ birds ringed.
Cute as you like!
And finally onto today 22/05. We started by doing the tit boxes in the local woods with a near enough 100% occupancy (but not quite, weirdly enough box number 13 was empty, talk about unlucky for some!)
After getting through the tits, we went and did a bit of owling but with an added little ring tick surprise!
Lapwing chick, few and far between with the mass of corvids on the prowl. Another beautiful bird!
So ends the update, Peregrine chicks loom on yonder horizon...
30/04- Owl season is is starting to liven up. Little Owls being the main target as these are single brood early nesters.
Nice start to the day, what a beauty!
One of 53 females this year so far.
Personally one of my favourite shots, the 'Owlman' with his owls.
Thats a photo of each of the targetted species for Bob, Alan, I and others in the summer.
12/05 A new 'Ring Tick'.
This one involved boats, an added complication but a good laugh! Little Egret's were the target, very lovely little chicks to ring, an added bonus as I did my first at the same time as Alan did his!
14/05- Nightingales take two!After another earlyish start we went on search of the same Nightingale that had evaded us previous attempt. With prior knowledge the bird was likely to be a retrap of last years individual, my spirits remained undamped as to glance upon the best of british bird songstars in the hand.
A good Whitethroat comparison shot, Common on the left, Lesser to the right. Next came Mr Nightingale, a retrap as I expected, the 100th bird to be ringed by the group since its beginnings.
After the sucessful completition of missing Nightingale we decided to have a run around the Tawny boxes and pick off the few remaining chicks unrung in Bob's boxes. It has been a great year with 60+ birds ringed.
Cute as you like!
And finally onto today 22/05. We started by doing the tit boxes in the local woods with a near enough 100% occupancy (but not quite, weirdly enough box number 13 was empty, talk about unlucky for some!)
After getting through the tits, we went and did a bit of owling but with an added little ring tick surprise!
Lapwing chick, few and far between with the mass of corvids on the prowl. Another beautiful bird!
So ends the update, Peregrine chicks loom on yonder horizon...
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Grantham Peregrines

Anyone who birds in Lincolnshire is likely to know about the pair of Peregrines on St Wulframs church in Grantham. They have been present for a few years now and 3 chicks have now hatched from the 4 eggs. If ever your spare of time wandering the endless corners of cyberspace, it's always worth a check; you never know, you may be lucky enough to view feeding time!
More details on the website and the shot is taken from the blog linked above.

Anyone who birds in Lincolnshire is likely to know about the pair of Peregrines on St Wulframs church in Grantham. They have been present for a few years now and 3 chicks have now hatched from the 4 eggs. If ever your spare of time wandering the endless corners of cyberspace, it's always worth a check; you never know, you may be lucky enough to view feeding time!
More details on the website and the shot is taken from the blog linked above.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Let Owling commence!
Finches finished, nests started, owls to be rung!
Last weekend saw the first owling day, mixed news but I think overall positive first signs. The long weekend produced 37 pairs of Owls and Kestrels, a good start. The hard winter seems not to have decimated the numbers but effects so far seem to be mixed; lost a few regular sites but gained more new ones. Very much a sense of in with the new, out with the old. Having said that there are still older birds around. Little Owls look to be on chicks in not too long with clutches being laid early in the dry weather. How they will fair with the dry conditions will shall have to wait for, but a couple of owls seem to have been able to go worming in the hard ground (or so their faecal matter suggested >.<)
More Owling tomorrow.
Last weekend saw the first owling day, mixed news but I think overall positive first signs. The long weekend produced 37 pairs of Owls and Kestrels, a good start. The hard winter seems not to have decimated the numbers but effects so far seem to be mixed; lost a few regular sites but gained more new ones. Very much a sense of in with the new, out with the old. Having said that there are still older birds around. Little Owls look to be on chicks in not too long with clutches being laid early in the dry weather. How they will fair with the dry conditions will shall have to wait for, but a couple of owls seem to have been able to go worming in the hard ground (or so their faecal matter suggested >.<)
More Owling tomorrow.
Monday, 25 April 2011
In search of Nightingales.
To cut it short, 2 calling, none rung! Not that we shall give up that easy, an evening session will follow soon.
First bird was a beautiful male Kestrel...
After playing the waiting game we had...
1 Chiffchaff
2 Song Thrush
1 Jay
1 Woodpigeon
1 Kestrel
3 Blackcap
5 Willow Warbler
1 Garden Warbler
1 Robin
2 Dunnock
Another good day in birdland! AND counted up my yearlist, 140, not too bad for someone who hasnt twitched a bird in his life.
First bird was a beautiful male Kestrel...
After playing the waiting game we had...
1 Chiffchaff
2 Song Thrush
1 Jay
1 Woodpigeon
1 Kestrel
3 Blackcap
5 Willow Warbler
1 Garden Warbler
1 Robin
2 Dunnock
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Frampton Marsh 20/04
20th April- A fairly quiet day on the marsh, a slight sea breeze the only thing stirring the perfect calm. My grandparents and I went down around midday to trek around the marsh, maybe the fact we came later than I usually would was the reason for the seemingly quiet day.
Around 30 Avocets on the reserve, Redshank out on the saltmarsh. Lapwings displaying left right and centre. At least 5 Wheatears on the reserve though I suspect I saw 7. A pair being extremely photogenic.
Also earlier in the week a great moment, a Montagu's Harrier appearing as we drived to do a spot of pullus, the site obviously not to be told incase the very slight chance of it staying and breeding, fingers crossed!
Sunday, 17 April 2011
A long overdue update.
Since I last posted (shockingly about a month ago >.<) we have finished winter ringing started the first pullus of the year and will soon be 'owling'.
The winter totals for our farmland site are as follows...
Northorpe Fen- Winter 10/11
Brambling- nearly 300!
Reed Buntings- 236
Yellowhammers- 217
Goldfinches- 197
Chaffinches- 117
Also of note is the Bourne Woods site, specifically Bob Sheppards garden, with amazing Redpoll totals.
Lesser Redpoll- 320
Common Redpoll- 70
I also ringed my first Meadow Pipit since my last post.
The first Pulli of the year also began with the ringing of 2 Heron chicks and with a returned date on the cards to get to the other nests. The first Owl checks have also begun, of note a very early Little Owl egg (the date I'll confirm when I remember). Another Little Owl when released after processing headed straight down a rat hole, interesting behaviour.
Yesterday I attended the BTO conference at Riseholme college, Lincoln. The talk was very informative and it was nice to be able to put faces to names I have heard a lot about through the other ringers. Hopefully in years to come I'll be working as part of other conservation schemes as a career, fingers crossed !
The winter totals for our farmland site are as follows...
Northorpe Fen- Winter 10/11
Brambling- nearly 300!
Reed Buntings- 236
Yellowhammers- 217
Goldfinches- 197
Chaffinches- 117
Also of note is the Bourne Woods site, specifically Bob Sheppards garden, with amazing Redpoll totals.
Lesser Redpoll- 320
Common Redpoll- 70
I also ringed my first Meadow Pipit since my last post.
The first Pulli of the year also began with the ringing of 2 Heron chicks and with a returned date on the cards to get to the other nests. The first Owl checks have also begun, of note a very early Little Owl egg (the date I'll confirm when I remember). Another Little Owl when released after processing headed straight down a rat hole, interesting behaviour.
Yesterday I attended the BTO conference at Riseholme college, Lincoln. The talk was very informative and it was nice to be able to put faces to names I have heard a lot about through the other ringers. Hopefully in years to come I'll be working as part of other conservation schemes as a career, fingers crossed !
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
A catch-up!
Its been a while! 2 weeks have gone by and I havent updated, thats 3 ringing sessions...
Starting with the 12th March, A very early start (5-30am) saw us off to a new site for myself, Vine House Farm. The site was laden with seed and birds though the conditions were not perfect a good catch of 7 Brambling and 70 or so other birds met us throughout the day. Also of note was a Goldfinch controlled from out Fenland site, not a significant movement, probably less than 5km but nice to see the birds were getting around.
After this we moved ourselves to Bourne Woods and Bob's garden, this time for the Redpoll again, 5 new Commons bringing the total upto 62 this year, really quite something!
Now 13th March, down the fen once again, a fairly average catch, though 10 Brambling once more, really quite common nowadays but exciting enough to still mention with pride!
Rolling onto this weekend (19th) and the morning started with some good news for myself, I had a Blackbird rung down the fen last year controlled in Helgoland, Germany! My furthest movement and so far only forgein recovery. The smiles had already started and first round was leading to a good day. I had my first Sparrowhawk, almost a bogey ring tick for myself, we had seen the young bird flying around a fair bit this year and eventually he ended up in the net. The day ended with 104 ringed and 19 Brambling leaving the fen total for the year at 200!
My first Sparrowhawk, what a beauty!
Starting with the 12th March, A very early start (5-30am) saw us off to a new site for myself, Vine House Farm. The site was laden with seed and birds though the conditions were not perfect a good catch of 7 Brambling and 70 or so other birds met us throughout the day. Also of note was a Goldfinch controlled from out Fenland site, not a significant movement, probably less than 5km but nice to see the birds were getting around.
After this we moved ourselves to Bourne Woods and Bob's garden, this time for the Redpoll again, 5 new Commons bringing the total upto 62 this year, really quite something!
Now 13th March, down the fen once again, a fairly average catch, though 10 Brambling once more, really quite common nowadays but exciting enough to still mention with pride!
Rolling onto this weekend (19th) and the morning started with some good news for myself, I had a Blackbird rung down the fen last year controlled in Helgoland, Germany! My furthest movement and so far only forgein recovery. The smiles had already started and first round was leading to a good day. I had my first Sparrowhawk, almost a bogey ring tick for myself, we had seen the young bird flying around a fair bit this year and eventually he ended up in the net. The day ended with 104 ringed and 19 Brambling leaving the fen total for the year at 200!
My first Sparrowhawk, what a beauty!
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Cor blimey its spring!
...or should I say 'Corn' blimey. Pardon the awful pun there but I was very surprised to see my first Chiffchaff of the year on the 5th March! That coupled with displaying Lapwings was a sure sign on a fairly wintery day that the future is looking a little brighter.
In the past years we have noticed that March is Corn Bunting month, we rarely catch them before then and after the others retrapped a bird from last year this time round, I wasnt greatly surprised when Alan reached to grab the B+'s without telling me of the hidden bunting in the bag, I'm sharper than I look ;)
Northorpe Fen- 5/03
12 Brambling
1 Corn Bunting
82 birds ringed
200 Redpoll at Bob's garden last week, couldnt ring as he was away, the better stick around before they move back to there summer haunts.
In the past years we have noticed that March is Corn Bunting month, we rarely catch them before then and after the others retrapped a bird from last year this time round, I wasnt greatly surprised when Alan reached to grab the B+'s without telling me of the hidden bunting in the bag, I'm sharper than I look ;)
Northorpe Fen- 5/03
12 Brambling
1 Corn Bunting
82 birds ringed
200 Redpoll at Bob's garden last week, couldnt ring as he was away, the better stick around before they move back to there summer haunts.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Adventures over the past week.
I was out last Sunday ringing back down Northorpe Fen, good Brambling numbers, 14 out of 50 birds being of the former. Once again good numbers of Reed Bunting though few finding the nets, Goldfinches taking up a good number of our newly ringed birds.
Interestingly the unregularity of the Yellowhammers reoccurs from last year. We noticed the birds are not regulars on the bait and we caught 1 retrap 6M. However on Thursday, the others went out and caught 47! Thurday had 120 new birds rung, 16 Brambling.
The amount of time I spend ringing will more than likely reduce as the summer exams loom in the distance, time to knuckle down (sigh!)
Interestingly the unregularity of the Yellowhammers reoccurs from last year. We noticed the birds are not regulars on the bait and we caught 1 retrap 6M. However on Thursday, the others went out and caught 47! Thurday had 120 new birds rung, 16 Brambling.
The amount of time I spend ringing will more than likely reduce as the summer exams loom in the distance, time to knuckle down (sigh!)
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
A good day once again!
Once again awaking to the sound and sight for 30+ Redpoll!
Northorpe Fen- 22/02
Reed Bunting
Brambling (1 Control)
Bourne Woods
2 Common Redpoll (3 retrap)
4 Lesser Redpoll
60 birds in total, the ringing is good!
Northorpe Fen- 22/02
Reed Bunting
Brambling (1 Control)
Bourne Woods
2 Common Redpoll (3 retrap)
4 Lesser Redpoll
60 birds in total, the ringing is good!
Monday, 21 February 2011
Northorpe 'birdland' Fen.
Sunday was gonna be a good day from the off. I get down stairs to the spectacle of 30 Redpoll and Siskin feeding in the garden. I mean 30!!! Completely gobsmacked, at least 5 Mealies amongst the group, just WOW.
...and then we got to the ringing. Not 140 like Thursday, but in less than good conditions we got 70 birds! Not bad!
Northorpe Fen-20/01
16 Brambling
Many Goldfinch & Reed Bunting
3 Chaffinch
Tot- 63
Bourne Woods
2 Chaffinch
Tot- 7
A good session to start off half term, a well needed break!
...and then we got to the ringing. Not 140 like Thursday, but in less than good conditions we got 70 birds! Not bad!
Northorpe Fen-20/01
16 Brambling
Many Goldfinch & Reed Bunting
3 Chaffinch
Tot- 63
Bourne Woods
2 Chaffinch
Tot- 7
A good session to start off half term, a well needed break!
Friday, 18 February 2011
Reasons to hate school...
...Firstly, this week i have missed 150 birds!!!
Northorpe Fen-16/02
44 Goldfinch
40 Reed Bunting
15 Brambling
12 Chaffinch
Bourne Woods; Bobs garden-17/02
Redpoll (common and Lesser) 10
1 Control Brambling from down the Fen
1 Control Comre from Thetford!
Secondly I feel the school is repressing our rights as students but thats not for this blog...
Damn I wish I could of had some time off.
Garden produced 7 Redpoll today, 2 definitive Common Redpoll (1 stunning summer plumage male) usual plethora of Siskin and Chaffinches.
Sunday looking good for some windy birdless ringing condtions, gonna give it a go anyway.
Northorpe Fen-16/02
44 Goldfinch
40 Reed Bunting
15 Brambling
12 Chaffinch
Bourne Woods; Bobs garden-17/02
Redpoll (common and Lesser) 10
1 Control Brambling from down the Fen
1 Control Comre from Thetford!
Secondly I feel the school is repressing our rights as students but thats not for this blog...
Damn I wish I could of had some time off.
Garden produced 7 Redpoll today, 2 definitive Common Redpoll (1 stunning summer plumage male) usual plethora of Siskin and Chaffinches.
Sunday looking good for some windy birdless ringing condtions, gonna give it a go anyway.
Monday, 14 February 2011
A saturday at Titchwell...
Instead of the usual ringing antics I decided to go on a proper birding trip, something I haven't done in a while. Not in the twitching habit meant I was not aware of missing out on Northern Harrier by a couple of days, but did catch up with a couple of birds that I haven't seen in a while!
First bird on the list being Marsh Harrier, always lovely to come across!
First bird on the list being Marsh Harrier, always lovely to come across!
The photo's are all rather sketchy as I'm still getting in touch with the new lens, this was at full 600mm without tripod so was never gonna be a wall hanger.
We scanned the waters on the lagoons, plenty of Lapwing and Golden Plover, lovely birds. Redshank also everywhere. Spotted Redshank however were not everywhere, one bird was very confiding in us and let me get a few shots, all unfortunatley not showing its best side...
A massive float of Common Scoter were off the coast, 1000+! Admittedly this is a new bird for myself, never done a proper sea watch or scanned for such.
Plenty of Ruff, Pintail, Shoveler and Avocet were present on the lagoon with the Lapwings and Golden Plover after further inspection.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Weather putting a dampner on proceedings...
Not been ringing weather for over a week now so been out doing little ringing, managed an hours worth of ringing in a free today, good timing, 2 Nuthatches unexpectedly gracing us with their prescences. Male and female so good news for the new tit boxes around the woods, maybe some good pulli to do in the summer!
Bourne Woods Site- 10/02
2 Nuthatch
3 Coal tits (4 rt)
1 Blue tit
Great tit (1rt)
1 Chaffinch.
First proper birding trip of the year, and the first with my new lens set up for saturday, Welney and Norfolk coast. Looks good for some descent photos.
Bourne Woods Site- 10/02
2 Nuthatch
3 Coal tits (4 rt)
1 Blue tit
Great tit (1rt)
1 Chaffinch.
First proper birding trip of the year, and the first with my new lens set up for saturday, Welney and Norfolk coast. Looks good for some descent photos.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Feeling popular with the birds ;)
The new garden layout is really reaping the rewards!
10+ Chaffinch
7 House Sparrow
15 Siskin
1 Common Redpoll
1 Lesser Redpoll
4 Greenfinches
10 Goldfinches
5 Woodpigeon
2 Redwing
2 Blackbirds
Also of note was a ringed Goldfinch, not a bird Bob does many of in his garden, possibly a fen bird (fenland ringing site 5 km away),
10+ Chaffinch
7 House Sparrow
15 Siskin
1 Common Redpoll
1 Lesser Redpoll
4 Greenfinches
10 Goldfinches
5 Woodpigeon
2 Redwing
2 Blackbirds
Also of note was a ringed Goldfinch, not a bird Bob does many of in his garden, possibly a fen bird (fenland ringing site 5 km away),
Yet another nyger related garden tick!
First light this morning produced 15 Siskin, 12 on the feeders at one point, the other drinking out of the pond. And back in fresh from my geography mock, a very convincing Common Redpoll, ringed no less. Almost concrete proof the birds in my garden are the ones going to Bobs nyger feeder about 1 km away. Sketching shots to follow...
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Thats what all the fuss is about!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Siskins in garden all day until I decide to call in back-up, no birds caught, complete failure! Ah well!
...on other notes, one of my dreams is to spend a couple of weeks recording bird sightings on a North Sea Oil rig during peak migration! Would be amazing! If anyone knows of any blogs that refer to this kind of thing I would love to know of it so leave a comment. Thankyou :)
...on other notes, one of my dreams is to spend a couple of weeks recording bird sightings on a North Sea Oil rig during peak migration! Would be amazing! If anyone knows of any blogs that refer to this kind of thing I would love to know of it so leave a comment. Thankyou :)
Monday, 31 January 2011
Over-doing the Siskin excitement!
A bit overwhelmed when we have 11 Siskins in a suburban garden, especially when i only moved the feeders about 5 hours ago! Looking very ringable now...
I would like to post a thankyou to those who have put a link to my blog on there own and also too Nick Baker for posting my blog on twitter, feedback is always helpful so don't hesitate to comment! Thankyou :)
Garden Siskin bonanza!
I woke this morning to the sight of 6 Siskin and 2 Lesser Redpoll on the nyger, Bob has said they maybe worth ringing so i have decided to move the feeders onto the centre of the garden so the birds have to go to and from the bushes to feed. I hope they stick around!
Before I moved the feeders I had an influx of 2 different parties, one of 5 the other of 8 Siskin, very happy, just hope they stay on. Would be interesting to see if Bob's Garden and mine are getting the same birds, my guess would be probably.
Before I moved the feeders I had an influx of 2 different parties, one of 5 the other of 8 Siskin, very happy, just hope they stay on. Would be interesting to see if Bob's Garden and mine are getting the same birds, my guess would be probably.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Even more Redpolls!
Looks like the Redpoll movement has restarted after 2 weeks of retraps, 6 new Common this morning, 16 new Lesser, also 2 new Siskin. All in all excellent morning after we failed at the 200 Brambling once more!
Northorpe Fen Site 30/01
Yellowhammer 2
Bobs garden and Bourne Woods entrance
Common Redpoll 6 (1)
Lesser Redpoll 16 (2)
Siskin 2
Coal tit 4
Great tit 2
Blackbird 1
Robin 1
Dunnock (1)
Would have accompanying photos had i remember to put the SD card in my camera this morning...
ALSO, on a less important note but exciting for me, Lesser Redpolls in the garden with the Siskin! 1 (at least) of each supporting a ring!
Northorpe Fen Site 30/01
Yellowhammer 2
Bobs garden and Bourne Woods entrance
Common Redpoll 6 (1)
Lesser Redpoll 16 (2)
Siskin 2
Coal tit 4
Great tit 2
Blackbird 1
Robin 1
Dunnock (1)
Would have accompanying photos had i remember to put the SD card in my camera this morning...
ALSO, on a less important note but exciting for me, Lesser Redpolls in the garden with the Siskin! 1 (at least) of each supporting a ring!
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Swaton Garden ringing.
Every year we tend to go to a garden in Swaton to do some ringing and check how things are going, 80 birds ringed, 41 House Sparrows, 5 retraps and 1 control.
Swaton- 29/01
House Sparrow 41
Tree Sparrow 2
Blackbird 2 (3)
plus common tits and goldfinches (1 control)
Tomorrow we have news of 40 Redpolls on the feeders at Bob's and 200 Bramblings down the fen, quality and quantity?
Tree Sprog
Swaton- 29/01
House Sparrow 41
Tree Sparrow 2
Blackbird 2 (3)
plus common tits and goldfinches (1 control)
Tomorrow we have news of 40 Redpolls on the feeders at Bob's and 200 Bramblings down the fen, quality and quantity?
Tree Sprog
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Birthday finchfest!
Finally can call myself an official adult! So whats the first thing an 18 yr old person does on awaking on the day of reckoning? Yes he does grab the bins to spot a 'birthday Brambling' in the garden hedgerow. To add to this half a dozen Chaffinches, similar numbers of Goldfinches, 3 Siskins and 2 Greenfinches. Made my morning!
Thursday, 20 January 2011
My Personal ringing totals.
Have got all my totals through now they are as follows,...
Daniel Wade in 2010
Full grown Pulli Retraps TOTAL
Daniel Wade
Grey Heron 0 4 0 4
Kestrel 2 9 0 11
Woodcock 1 0 0 1
Stock Dove 8 7 1 16
Woodpigeon 8 0 0 8
Collared Dove 1 0 0 1
Barn Owl 9 34 11 54
Little Owl 9 40 3 52
Tawny Owl 0 1 0 1
Kingfisher 1 0 0 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 0 1 3
Sand Martin 14 0 2 16
Swallow 8 0 0 8
Waxwing 1 0 0 1
Wren 7 0 2 9
Dunnock 12 0 6 18
Robin 10 0 4 14
Whinchat 1 0 0 1
Blackbird 24 0 1 25
Fieldfare 1 0 0 1
Song Thrush 4 0 0 4
Redwing 4 0 0 4
Mistle Thrush 1 0 0 1
Grasshopper Warbler 1 0 0 1
Sedge Warbler 1 0 0 1
Lesser Whitethroat 3 0 0 3
Whitethroat 14 0 3 17
Blackcap 8 0 1 9
Chiffchaff 17 0 5 22
Willow Warbler 9 0 0 9
Goldcrest 17 0 0 17
Spotted Flycatcher 4 0 0 4
Printed on: 19-Jan-11 Page 1
Full grown Pulli Retraps TOTAL
Long-tailed Tit 18 0 3 21
Marsh Tit 3 0 1 4
Willow Tit 1 0 0 1
Coal Tit 19 0 9 28
Blue Tit 122 0 15 137
Great Tit 133 0 35 168
Nuthatch 0 0 2 2
Treecreeper 1 0 0 1
Jay 2 0 0 2
Magpie 1 0 0 1
Jackdaw 5 39 1 45
Starling 2 0 0 2
House Sparrow 6 0 0 6
Chaffinch 49 0 4 53
Brambling 61 0 1 62
Greenfinch 9 0 0 9
Goldfinch 141 0 22 163
Siskin 2 0 1 3
Linnet 6 0 0 6
Lesser Redpoll 7 0 2 9
Bullfinch 2 0 0 2
Yellowhammer 111 0 15 126
Reed Bunting 111 0 18 129
Corn Bunting 2 0 0 2
Grand Total: 1016 134 169 1319
Total Species: 53 7 26 56
On top of these totals I have...
Daniel Wade in 2011
Full grown Pulli Retraps TOTAL
Daniel Wade
Blackbird 2 0 0 2
Fieldfare 3 0 0 3
Redwing 1 0 0 1
Long-tailed Tit 2 0 0 2
Marsh Tit 1 0 0 1
Coal Tit 3 0 2 5
Blue Tit 43 0 9 52
Great Tit 27 0 12 39
Nuthatch 1 0 0 1
Chaffinch 4 0 1 5
Brambling 11 0 1 12
Goldfinch 1 0 0 1
Siskin 7 0 1 8
Common Redpoll 11 0 1 12
Lesser Redpoll 14 0 9 23
Redpoll (Common/Lesser) 1 0 0 1
Bullfinch 1 0 1 2
Yellowhammer 1 0 0 1
Reed Bunting 1 0 0 1
Grand Total: 135 0 37 172
Total Species: 19 0 9 19
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