So last time I updated was apparently in June. I have been rather busy in the latter part of 2012. Unfortunatley it hasn't been entirely bird related but majority due to the joys of second year University work. (but being on an Ecology course I can't complain too much about that).
I will write up about my time at Spurn Bird Observatory however. I spent the best part of my August here this summer, and whilst not being there at the best time of year for migration I did get a lovely chunk of east coast migration during early Autumn migration.
I was around for the main movement of Willow Warblers through the area and also got some treats in the form of Pied Flycatchers and Redstarts being present throughout my stay. I also got some great and well need experience with seawatching, something I can't claim to have done much til that time. But doing tern counts every evening with the locals was one of my highlights, always willing to give a hand!
Being Spurn Bird Observatory, I managed to see a good bunch of species that I hadn't seen before (or ringed in some circumstances!) The first new species was on the first evening when I got a view of a Pomarine Skua at the seawatching hut. By the end of my stay I had also seen Long-tailed, Arctic and Great Skuas. White-rumped Sandpiper and American Golden Plover were species from over the Atlantic that also were around during my stay. I got my hands on one of the two Barred Warblers ringed during my stay, as well as an Icterine Warbler (my second in the UK, the first being at Icklesham last summer). I missed out on some of the later species that graced Spurn in later autumn (Red-brested Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler etc) but you can't win them all!
I can't claim to have done much birding at Uni, but I have seen Stonechat and Dartford Warbler in the local Heathlands.
Right now I am having my last day in Bournemouth before christmas and tomorrow (technically today) I will be returning to Lincolnshire. With news of forgein ringed Lesser Redpolls and many a Brambling at the main winter sites I can imagine it will be a good christmas!